Scraps of Memories

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Hi! Welcome to my BLOG!! I must admit that I have NO idea what I am doing so I hope you will all bear with me and meander through my mistakes with me!

You may be asking yourself.....Amy, why a blog? Heck I don't know!! Everyone was getting one! Scrap It got one, Jenni Bowlin got one!! I wanted an Oompa Loompa...err, Blog....too!!

What am I going to talk about? How would I know? I am telling you I just had to have one for my very own! I am going to love it and squeeze it and...ooh sorry, got sidetracked once again!

Oh yes, let me type a disclaimer....any mistakes in spelling, grammer, punctuation, etc. are solely the responsibility of the computer and/or the blog hosting thingy. I type everything in correctly and if the computer loses something in transit I am not responsible!

Want to know some news? My Evan finally lost his other front tooth! He has been walking around looking like Nanny McVee. Thank goodness his friend helped him by kicking it out of his mouth in the McDonald's Play Area. Want to know something funny? He lost his other front tooth when his friend next door kicked it out of his mouth when they were on the trampoline! Nice they are gone but let me tell you something, I hope none of his other friends kick any more of his teeth out because the Tooth Fairy had paid him VERY WELL for the first tooth that was kicked out. He fully expected the same amount when the second tooth left him! I will go broke if any more of his teeth are kicked out so please, if you bring your children over, please ask them to watch their feet!!

CROPS?? Why does everyone keep asking me about crops? You guys know this hockey schedule is KILLING me!! See the picture? That is Alex and he is the reason I have not had any crops lately! I am going to have one in March though... I promise...I am not can count on it...really, I won't back out this time.....I am truly committed....

Check out Ann's Blog at Scrap It!
Be warned!! It is not for the faint of heart...she is showing pictures of all of her new stuff and you girls had better get your checkbooks out and just meet me there this week sometime!! WHOO HOO!! It is party time at Scrap It!!

Let me know of anything like sales or crops that you girls hear about and I will post it here! That way we can all go!

I will be trying to post every day or so and I will post pics. and other things. If you have a picture or scrapbook page you would like to share, send it on and I will post it!! This might just be fun!

Well, I need to get going and pick up Alex at a party. He is hoping to get back with his ex tonight....keeping my finger's crossed! I would not be fourteen again for ANTHING IN THIS WORLD!!

Send me some comments so I will know I am loved!!


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